Frontier Days Frontier Days History This Year Bad Guys And Gals Buffalo Soldiers Returning The Tale of Two Cities Beckwourth Frontier Days Sponsors Volunteers & Sponsors Contact Frontier Days Volunteers, And Sponsors, Make History Come Alive In Yuba-SutterEvery year for the past eleven years, volunteers have grappled with the complex task of bringing our local history to life. For those of us who are involved in Beckwourth Frontier Days, it is a labor of love that is excruciating in the weeks prior to the event. Fortunately, the reward is huge. On the first weekend of October, thousands of people come to the banks of the Feather River to enjoy the frontier land we create. Children and adults pan for gold, meet mountain men and dance at a Native American village. They throw tomahawks, marvel at gunfighters, listen to a wide array of music, and learn a little something about the time before TV dinners. Most of the work is done by volunteers. Those few who get paid get paid very little. The event is underwritten by corporate sponsors and Beckwourth buddies. Sometimes we get most things right. Sometimes we do things wrong. But every year the volunteers and the sponsors and the support groups manage to put on a rip-roaring celebration of this area's history. We want to invite those who have never been to a Beckwourth Frontier Days celebration to join us this year and see what our community's history looks like. And then, if you have an inkling, consider what it is you can do for Beckwourth Frontier Days. What talents do you have that can help us do this better? People do things they love to do. We like events and we like history, so it is just natural for us to get involved in Beckwourth Frontier Days. There's no one on the Board of Directors who don't have a great love for the history of the area--they wouldn't spend the hours required to put this event on if they didn't. Some people have been involved with Beckwourth Frontier Days from the beginning. Some are new. But every volunteer, every sponsor, every organization that is involved is doing something very worthwhile for the community. If you like what we do, help us out. If you know a source of funding or a vendor or have an idea on how to improve on the festival, let us know. If you want to serve as a volunteer or as a member of the Board of Directors, let us know. If you have storage space or you can build things, let us know. If you want to know how to become an event sponsor or a Beckwourth Buddy, let us know. Don't be shy. Beckwourth's phone number is 530-749-1777. Our mailing address is Beckwourth Frontier Days, P. O. Box 1789, Marysville, CA 95901, or you can use the form on this page. And when you come to Beckwourth Frontier Days this year, don't forget your costume. That's another fun thing about this event. It's a giant costumed party. Enjoy.
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